Have you ever heard of elderberry? It’s one of the most powerful plants in the world that people use today to boost the immune system and fight the signs of the cold and flu. Elderberries come from the Sambucus tree and look like bunches of small black berries. They have been used for hundreds of years by Europeans for various illnesses and ailments, but today they are becoming much more popular, especially to boost the immune system.
Elderberries shouldn’t be eaten raw – they must be cooked first, but elderberry flowers can be eaten raw if you wish. Aside from eating the berries themselves, there are many benefits of elderberry supplements and syrups that can help you feel healthy and strong.
Just what can elderberry do for you? Check out the benefits below.
Helps Improve Symptoms of the Cold and Flu
In several studies, participants have shown faster recovery from cold and flu symptoms than those without. For example, in one study 60 people with flu symptoms took elderberry four times a day while the others took a placebo. The people that took the elderberry were symptom-free 4 days sooner than those that didn’t take elderberry.
Elderberry also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. While it often fights specific bacteria, it’s been known to help with issues like sinusitis or respiratory issues like bronchitis.
Boosts Immune System
Today, many people take elderberry as a precautionary measure to help boost their immune system and fight things like the cold and flu. In an Australian study of 312 airline passengers, some passengers took elderberry starting 10 days before their travels and continued for 5 days after their travels. The people that took the elderberry had a 50% lower incidence of getting sick than those that didn’t take the elderberry. The study also found that those that took the elderberry had less severe symptoms if they did get a cold.
Helps Improve your Heart Health
Elderberry helps lower the amount of fat and uric acid levels in the blood, which helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Both of these factors can help improve your heart health, lowering your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Other Miscellaneous Benefits
In addition to the above benefits, elderberry may help with some of the following:
- Depression
- Excessive sun exposure
- Reducing the sign of wrinkles
- Improve digestive healthy
- Prevent constipation
- Provide anti-inflammatory properties
Elderberry is widely known for its ability to boost the immune system and/or help lessen the side effects of the cold or flu, but it has many more benefits too. In today’s time with the difficulties of COVID-19 plaguing the country, it’s a great idea to include elderberry in your arsenal to boost your immune system to keep you and your family healthy. Our greatest defense is our immune system, so doing what you can to make sure yours is in great shape is the best way to stay safe and healthy.